events – staging a brand on-the-spotOne of the best ways to set the scene for a brand is creating a memorable event.
Kundenbeispiele: Jeans Fritz Jeanette Biedermann Event fileadmin/user_upload/Home/kompetenzen/events/Jeans_Fritz_Case_Jeanette_Biedermann_Event.pdfRitter Sport Eröffnung der Bunten Schokowelt
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public:colours ensures the coherence of company publications.The entire stakeholder spectrum is increasingly becoming the focus of company communication. In light of this, corporate publishing plays a crucial role. Company-owned media - such as staff newspapers, intranet or client magazines - form the ideal platform to convey target group-orientated messages and content. We develop and implement networked publication concepts for your internal and external media, both in terms of textual and graphic content.