


Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Für den Bereich Grundsicherung des selbstverwalteten Dienstleisters realisierte public:news im Jahr 2012 die Publikation „Wir sind gut. Erfolgsgeschichten aus Deutschland, die Mut machen". Ab Juni 2013 übernimmt die Agentur die PR-Maßnahmen für die neue Markenkampagne der Behörde.





Die DEGES, die Deutsche Einheit Fernstraßenplanungs- und -bau GmbH, verantwortet als Projektmanagementgesellschaft die Planung, Bauabnahme und termingerechte Übergabe von Verkehrswegen ihrer Gesellschafter - dem Bund und den Ländern - sowie die Kostensteuerung und Abrechnung dieser Bauvorhaben. In Hamburg ist eines der Projekte der DEGES die neue Süderelbebrücke, deren Realisierungswettbewerb public:news u.a. durch Presse- und Medienarbeit und Ausstellungen begleitet.



Hamburger Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt

As specialised authority for the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt (BSU) is responsible for urban development and environmental policy in the city state. A part of its development program is the so called RISE (Integrative District Development) which helps stabilise and improve disadvantaged districts. public:news is responsible for creating the authority's RISE newsletter.







Hamburger Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation (BWVI)
As a specialised agency for the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the BWVI is responsible for urban development and environmental policy in the city state. One of the entity's outstanding projects is the planned relocation of the main through road in the district of Wilhelmsburg. public:news takes care of all the publicity work for the major infrastructural project - from the district exhibition, brochure and website development to the organisation of various events in the exhibition rooms.



terre des hommes

terre des hommes Deutschland e.V. was founded in 1967, to help badly injured children at the Vietnam war. Today the organisation helps all children in need of protection by supporting local initiatives worldwide. Project partners help children in need and stand up for their rights. To support and to give notice of the organisations' work public:news develops the poster campaign in 2012.



Hamburger DOM
Every year, the largest fair in the North attracts almost nine million visitors from all over northern Germany. Together with the advertising agency Springer & Jacoby, we developed a campaign to rejuvenate the image of Hamburger DOM and market it as an attractive recreational event even after 675 years of tradition. Within the framework of a collaborative image campaign, we launched this new brand position through press and media work in northern Germany.







igs 2013
internationale gartenschau hamburg 2013 gmbh (igs 2013)

In 2013, the international garden show hamburg (igs hamburg) will be held on Europe's largest river island in the Hamburg district of Wilhelmsburg. During the year of the event, show gardens and virtual trips will take visitors on a journey to other worlds under the motto ‘80 Gardens around the World'. The core of the project is represented by the construction of an innovative public park for the 21st century, which will serve as an international example. public:news is advising igs 2013 on the PR strategy, conception, issue management and media relations.



Studierendenwerk Hamburg