


For this Group, which is one of the largest financial services providers in the world, social responsibility is an indispensable part of corporate philosophy. Therefore, the Allianz Versicherungs-AG branch in northern Germany is firmly committed to helping socially disadvantaged young people through its association Allianz für die Jugend e.V. We support the corporate citizenship initiatives through internal and external communication. The mobilisation of staff and increasing donations are an expression of the success of our services.


Client example




Client example




For Kienbaum we put the focus on the company brand. We identify current theme with economic relevance and developed measures to put the company in the public discussion.




LYCOS is the leading European lifestyle portal on the Internet. For the company, we developed the pan-European event series LABRADOR LOUNGE, offering journalists and LYCOS Europe business partners a forum to discuss matters that relate to the Internet. We also present the lifestyle-orientated LYCOS brand in target group-relevant public media.




Since its foundation in 2001, the RTL Group teleshopping channel RTL SHOP has quickly positioned itself as one of the most successful providers in the dynamic teleshopping growth market. Over four million customers now buy from the wide product offer which ranges from cosmetics and multimedia to household goods and collectors' items. We support RTL SHOP through product PR, especially in the areas of beauty, fashion and jewellery, in addition to programme PR activities.



Tomorrow Focus AG

Tomorrow Focus AG is the largest German-speaking Internet media company. Our task was to make this market leader into an opinion leader. For Tomorrow Focus AG, this meant covering relevant sector issues and developing a communication platform for them. In answer to this, we developed and positioned ‘Netz-Welten' as an independent brand. The regular media forum with external speakers and current and controversial topics has become an important opinion platform and the figurehead of the company.

Client example